Last Monday, on September 2nd 2019 we celebrated our annual Labor Day in the United States. It was a day when financial institutions and other businesses followed the Federal Reserve schedule and closed for the day. It was a day many Americans stayed home from work and spent time with their families. In essence, people took the time to do what some might say is the exact opposite of what Labor Day actually represents- they rested! Others, took pride in working diligently, with a sense of gratitude and dedication to labor. Whether it was spent working or resting, is totally acceptable, as long as we recognize that it was an opportunity to stop and smell the roses as we remember the history of the Labor Movement in this country and Canada. It is a day to remember the importance of continuing to create, and maintain a better workplace.
For many Americans in the workforce today, we spend most of our days working with one hand on a computer and the other hand on a smartphone. We rely on, use, and abuse technology to get our work done. We can do our jobs from just about any location. In fact we seldom require getting up and even moving around to get our jobs done. The mere thought of physically laying bricks, pouring cement, constructing rail road tracks or working in coal mines, doing the work that sparked the labor movement, is often ancient history in our minds. We rely heavily on technology and take so much for granted. We access information in a blink of an eye and we often forget that the United States Labor Movement paved the way for us. The movement was sparked by the support needed for those in the industrial sector.
It resulted in organized labor unions, better wages, reasonable hours and safer working conditions for families and workers. The movement also led the efforts to stop child abusive labor and emphasize the need for health benefits to assist workers, the injured, handicapped and retired.
Taking a moment to celebrate All American Workers:

Each year, on the first Monday in September, we celebrate and honor the greatest workers in the world – the American workers, who are worthy to be celebrated! Labor Day was born out of the creation of the labor movement in the early 1800's. The movement dedicated its time and energy to supporting the hard work, achievements and contributions American workers made to the strength and growth of our country. This year of 2019, we celebrated the 125th anniversary of Labor Day being celebrated as a national holiday.
Taking a moment to celebrate Women Workers:
Rosie the Riveter was, and is a cultural icon that represented working woman during the
labor movement. When the government sent the majority of our male population to fight in World War II, women joined the workforce to help support their families.
Rosie is an image we’ve all seen and an image women love because she represents us, even today- women working hard to be accepted and respected for our tireless work and contributions to our country.
Rosie represents the birth of American feminism. Her commonly seen image with rolled up sleeves and a flexed muscle made her a cultural icon for women. Her image boldly said, “We Can Do It” and she was right. We did it then, we can, we will, and we are, doing it even today!