It’s no shock that a lot has changed this year. With the way we shop, being one of the biggest. From curbside pickup, delivery, safety protocols, shortages of cleaning supplies, and much more. The retail fashion industry is being forced to evaluate and innovate on the fly.
Here are a few Retail Trends that have taken off in 2020.
Sustainable Fabric Production - although, not new for some… just about every retailer has announced sustainability initiatives. Here are 2 companies that are leading the way.
Bolt Threads:
This California-based material solutions company aims to create “way better material for a way better world.” They’ve recently made headlines for creating Mylo, a leather-like material made from mycelium, a network of thread-like cells found in mushroom roots. Bolt Threads is also responsible for creating Microsilk, a biodegradable protein-based fabric highlighted in Stella McCartney’s Adidas collaboration. Tejidos Royo: The company gives a solemn promise with its Dry Indigo denim line; to create the world’s most sustainable material. And they’re on their way. Their process is said to use no water, use 65 percent less electricity, and 90 percent fewer chemicals than your average fabric production.
Curating the Perfect Fit
The old one-size-fits-all model is getting an upgrade. Now, an emerging trend in the fashion industry is curating the perfect fit. It’s innovative because of its simplicity. These fittings are backed by science. This means that no matter your height or stature, the clothing will look good on you. Companies like Summersalt are finding overwhelming success with this new approach to creating clothes. The sustainably sourced swimsuit designer took 1.5 million body measurements of 10,000 women of all shapes and sizes, all to create swimsuits that cater to all body types and every style preference.
Redefining How We Monitor Health
The idea of what is considered wearable tech evolves once more. New Zealand-based fashion technology company Footfalls & Heartbeats introduces the concept that clothing can monitor your health and provide a better quality of living. Using a proprietary knitting method and electrically conductive yarn, they’ve designed a smart fabric that turns clothing into a network of sensors through nano-scale interactions. These sensors can collect data to be used in sports, defense, digital health, and transport. It means bandages or a shoe can give real-time insight into your rehabilitation like never before. All while looking fashionable. Though the brand is slated to roll out its first garments in 2021, it has high ambitions for its fabric: infant monitoring, pressure sensing in wheelchairs and beds, performance monitoring, and measuring blood oxygen saturation.
To read more about this topic check out our full blog post linked below, and if you’re a retailer that needs some guidance or help with future-proofing your business. Head to to schedule a free consultation! Everyone stay safe and healthy and we’ll see you back here next week!
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