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Defining Our New Normal Together

New Version of Normal

We understand the disruptions we are all facing has impacted business operations. However, there are levers to pull that will better prepare you now and into the future. When you're ready, we are here for you. Let's move forward together...

Message From Ilka Jordan, CEO

Hi, I am Ilka Jordan CEO of Jordan Alliance Group. During this unprecedented time, individuals and companies are forced to do things differently and in a responsible way.
This our chance to learn from this unique situation that we are all in, and define our new version of normal. Now is the opportunity to plan ahead to stay ahead. It’s time for us to think differently about what we want to put back into the way we work…
With that in mind, from one business to another: How do we do things better? How do we use technology better? How we engage with our employees, our vendors, our partners, our customers, and our clients better?
We have this rare opportunity right now to get rid of what doesn’t work and to only bring back or introduce the resources and tools that make what we do purposeful and effective.
We are here to be your strategic partner. The power of us working together, we can holistically look at your entire product development and supply chain operations and identify those areas that if done differently can reduce waste, time, and ultimately save you money.
So, when you are ready, we are here for you. Just reach out at Thank you and I’ll see you soon.

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Very thoughtfful blog

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