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Revolutionizing Product Development: How 3D Technology Helped a Retail Brand Save Costs and Reduce Waste Case Study


In this case study, we will examine how an apparel retail brand implemented 3D product development capabilities to reduce physical sample orders, lower costs, and reduce environmental impact. The company faced challenges in creating physical samples for every new product design, which led to increased costs, longer lead times, and environmental waste.


The apparel retail brand faced several challenges, including the high costs of creating physical samples, lengthy lead times, and environmental waste associated with producing and shipping samples. The company also struggled to accurately convey design intent to factories, which led to increased iterations and delays in the development process.


To address these challenges, the company implemented 3D product development capabilities to create digital samples of new product designs. The new process involved using 3D software to create digital renderings of products, which were then shared with factories and suppliers to convey design intent.

The company invested in 3D software and trained their design and product development teams on the new technology. They also worked with factories and suppliers to ensure that they had the necessary software and training to work with digital renderings.


The implementation of 3D product development capabilities led to significant improvements in the company's operations, sustainability, and financial performance. The company was able to reduce physical sample orders by 50%, resulting in a significant reduction in costs and environmental waste.

The new process also led to faster lead times and more accurate conveyance of design intent to factories, resulting in fewer iterations and reduced development time. Additionally, the company was able to collaborate more effectively with factories and suppliers, leading to improved partnerships and better product quality.


  • Physical sample orders reduced by 50%

  • 50% reduction in development time

  • 30% decrease in costs associated with physical sample production

  • 20% reduction in shipping and logistics costs

  • Improved collaboration with factories and suppliers, resulting in 10% reduction in defect rates


The implementation of 3D product development capabilities in this apparel retail brand is a powerful example of how effective technology adoption can lead to significant improvements in a company's operations, sustainability, and financial performance. By reducing physical sample orders and associated costs and waste, the company was able to save money while also promoting environmental sustainability.

The new process also led to faster lead times, improved product quality, and better collaboration with factories and suppliers, all of which contributed to the company's success. Today, the apparel retail brand continues to invest in technology and innovation to improve its operations and reduce its environmental impact while delivering high-quality products to customers.

Thank you for taking the time to read through our case studies. We hope they provided valuable insights into the benefits of transforming your business for the digital age.

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